Passes and Prices
You can Register Now 지금신청하세요
Full Pass
🌍 $220 (100 SPOTS)
🇰🇷 31.5만원
- 4 hours of Lindy Hop/ Jazz classes
- Access to the competitions
- Cultural history panels
- 3 parties (Friday – Sunday) with competition finals and live music (Fri-Sat)
Competition entries are not included in the price and must be paid for separately.
대회 참가비는 포함되어있지 않습니다.
Lite Pass
🌍 $160 (120 SPOTS)
🇰🇷 23만원
- Access to the competitions
- Cultural history panels
- 3 parties (Friday – Sunday) with competition finals and live music (Fri-Sat)
Competition entries are not included in the price and must be paid for separately.
대회 참가비는 포함되어있지 않습니다.
🆕Day Passes
* You need to have Full or Lite pass to attend competitions as a competitor
but, you can enter the venue in the afternoon for social dancing and see all comps.
* 컴피티션에 참가하기 위해서는 Full/ Lite Pass를 소지해야 합니다. (오후 대회 관람 및 소셜 가능)
- Day Workshop + Party – $100 per dancer per night (🇰🇷 14만/인/일)
- Saturday Workshop + Live Music
- Sunday Workshop + Social
- Day Party
- Friday Live Social – $60 per dancer (🇰🇷 8만/인)
- Saturday Live Social – $60 per dancer (🇰🇷 8만/인)
- Sunday Social – $50 per dancer (🇰🇷 7.5만/인)
- Day Workshop – $50 per dancer (7.5만/인)
- Saturday Workshop Only
- Sunday Workshop Only
Registration will be open on Feb 1st 2pm KST
신청은 2월 1일 오후2시 시작됩니다.
Add-On WS
🌍 $40 (or 55,000KRW) at the door
(excluded entree fee)
🇰🇷 5.5만원 (빠비별도)
- Date: Feb 13th (Thu) 8~11:00pm (2hrs workshop + mini social)
- Teachers: Nils & Bianca, Felix & Marie
- The Add-On Workshop will cover different topics than the weekend workshops
- Discount for Full/ Lite Pass holders
- Original Price $40 (55,000 KRW) -> Full/Lite Pass holders $35 (50,000 KRW)
- Capa: 25 couples (정원 25커플)
Register Add-On Workshop (목요일 워크샵 신청하기)
Confirmation List (신청/입금 확인)
Payment 🇰🇷
- 신청 후 일주일 이내 확인메일이 송부됩니다.
- 메일 송부/ 입금 공지 후 3일이내 안내된 계좌로 납입 부탁드립니다.
- 미입금시, 다음 순번의 댄서에게 기회가 넘어갑니다. (별도 안내)
[분할 납부 이용시]
- 원하시는 분들에 한해서 분할납부 가능합니다 (별도 수수료 없음)
- 단, 컴피티션 비용은 “전액 선납부”가 필요합니다.
- Full Pass : 신청 후 15만원 납부 (+ 컴핏 비용 전액) -> 2/1 까지 잔금 16만원 납부
- Lite Pass : 신청 후 10만원 납부 (+ 컴핏 비용 전액) -> 2/1 까지 잔금 12.5만원 납부
- 모든 패스는 환불 불가하며, 행사주 월요일까지 양도가능합니다. 상세한 내용은
규정을 확인해 주세요 :
Payment 🌎
- We will send a confirmation email within a week after your registration.
- You need to deposit $60 via paypal in 3 days after receiving a confirmation email to secure your spot. and pay remaining balance at the door “in cash”
- All passes are NOT refundable but, transferable
- You can check details here :